F.L.O.C.K Ministry

Our ministry motto is:
Jesus is satan's Defeat
We are the Winners...
Jesus is the Victor
in Victory.....

So remember the next time the enemy raises his head stomp him down and let him know who your "Victor" is.......One other thing:
"Without the Son there is always Darkness"

Friends Loving Our Christ King

This is how much God the Father loves us..
He sent His only Son so we might live through Him....

Hello! We are glad you had the fine idea to stop by and visit...We enjoy meeting new people...My aunt has a saying "Strangers are friends we haven't met yet"... We have been married since April 8,1988...My husband is a ordained minister,who also enjoys singing gospel...He works in a plastics plant doing injection molding....I work in Assisted Living,I am a CNA.... The enemy is hard at work in all our lives today..He knows his time is short and he also knows the Father has a way of escape for His children...
So let Jesus be your Lighthouse in the dark storms of life.... He came so we could have life through Him and the enemy is here to snuff the life from us....We must stand tall and with the armor of God upon us and sword in hand we can cut the enemy down and plant a new seed in a dying land........

God Bless each of you that has stopped by and taking the time to visit.... Remember Jesus has already paid for it in full,and He offers a new life through salvation as a free gift to us all....

Everyone now wants to be different from everyone else,take this gift and we promise you will be "Unique" from all others......

Have you ever felt you are alone??
Have all your friends abandoned you??
Do you feel you are a stranger in your own household??
Do you feel you have no one to turn to???
Do you feel trapped???

Jesus is a 1000% true friend...He is there in good times,bad times,sad times & joyous times....He is the only friend you will find that is there 24 hours a day,7days a week,365 days a year for you...He won't put you on hold or ask if He can call you back....He is there for you.....

The enemy gives fear to people and the enemy thrives on this but we can stand and say: False Evidence Appearing Real that is what the enemy doesn't want you to know.....

So just P.U.S.H.
Pray Until Something Happens

We won't say it will be roses and a smooth road,but it will be sweeter and not as rocky as it is or has been without Jesus.....God Bless you and we would enjoy hearing your views and comments about our webpage.....Or if you just want a friend we are here....

Lester also does meetings around the country as well as via internet for singings and ministering
If you are ever in a need for this - or know of someone who is
Please feel free to pass them our information.
AUDIO BIBLE - This is a favorite of mine..Hope you will enjoy it too!!!

We'd LOVE to hear from you!
Please write us!
Lester & Dee

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